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About YEO

I believe I currently have privacy without YEO, Do I?
Many people casually send emails containing all sorts of private information to others without ever thinking about privacy. One would assume that an email sent from one person to another is just as safe as sending it through the U.S. mail. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

Email messages are generally not encrypted. Email messages have to go through intermediate computers before reaching their destinations. This means that it is relatively easy for messages to be intercepted and read. On YEO, we encrypt your message before it leaves your computer or mobile device, and it stays encrypted all the way until it is read on the other end. This prevents the message from being read even if intercepted.

Many Email Service Providers store copies of email messages on their mail servers before the messages are delivered. The backups of these messages can remain on their servers for several months, regardless of whether or not you deleted the message from your outbox and/or your recipient deleted the message from his/her inbox. This is a big issue. On YEO, we do not back up message data. Once the message is destroyed, it is gone forever.

Now, time for the simplest thing for someone to do, but what we believe is the biggest problem: the person you send an email to forwards it to someone you did not want to read your message. This can be an innocent "mistake," but that doesn't change the fact it happens all the time. Our main feature comes into play when your recipient reads your message and then tries to forward the email to someone else. The result? The person who receives the forwarded message cannot read it. It's not magic, it is our mission.

Google's popular email service, Gmail, has access to the contents of your emails. They use the contents of your emails to figure out which ads to show you. "For example, if you’ve recently received a lot of messages about photography or cameras, a deal from a local camera store might be interesting"1. Google claims that "Ad targeting in Gmail is fully automated, and no humans read your email or Google Account information in order to show you advertisements or related information"2. Even if this is the case, Google software picks personalized ads for you based on the words in your emails, which is unsettling.

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