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About YEO

What is YEO?
YEO is a way to send a secure message to someone and after he or she read it the message self destructs. The message is just for the person you send it to. He or she can't forward it to anyone else to read.

As the sender you write your message and send it. Your recipient(s) then receive an email with a link containing a special code that takes them to YEO where they can view the message. After a set time period or number of reads, the message self destructs or in technical terms it is deleted permanently from YEO.

Why not write an email or a text message or an instant message? Well with all these other methods, the user can easily log or forward to someone else or copy and paste your email. Also most all email systems archive your email and your email can be retrieved even after it is deleted. With Your Eyes Only our intent is that none of that happens.

No system is foolproof but Your Eyes Only makes every attempt to make it hard for a user to forward, copy, or archive your message. How do we do this?

Your Eyes Only only allows a message to be read from one computer and one browser. The first time the message is read Your Eyes Only knows where the message was read. After that if someone tries to read it from another device it is assumed the email was forwarded and we do not allow the message to be read from the new device. So the person you send it to can't forward the message on to someone else to read.

The message is created such that you can't copy and paste the text.

The message is created such that if you print the page the message will not be printed.